We know we cannot fulfill this call alone. We believe it is God’s plan that his will be accomplished with people working together even as the Apostle Paul describes the Body of Christ functioning together—different parts with different functions, but all are needed to allow the Body to do its work. Some are called to GO and some are called to PRAY and some are called to GIVE. All believers do all of these in some measure, but one or more can be emphasized at different seasons of life.

Robert and I are called to GO at this time. We need prayer and we need financial support.

We believe anyone who gives to help us fulfill this call will be partnering with us for the harvest. All souls touched for His Name Sake because of those who pray for us, those who give financially, will be included in the reward.


God is the supplier of our needs. We as the SENT ones ask you to ask God if He would have you invest in us so we can reach the souls He is sending us to reach.

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 As partners together for the harvest—we will be blessed together.

We have established a nonprofit organization entitled ZurServe Ministries. Contributions given to this 501(c)3 organization are eligible for tax credit.